The Sasakawa Peace Foundation invites applications for its grants. These offer support for projects addressing problems in the fields of international understanding, exchange, and cooperation. Priority areas are:
•efforts to ensure peace and security in the international community, including peace building and security issues, and non-traditional security issues;
•addressing positive and negative aspects of globalisation, including market and disparities issues, issues involving demographic changes and population movement, and issues at the interface between science and technology and society;
•promotion of mutual understanding between priority regions and Japan, including an exchange programme between Japan and US.
The foundation also has the following special funds: Pacific island nations fund; Japan-China friendship fund; Pan-Asia fund; Middle East Islam fund.
Non-profit organisations and voluntary organisations are eligible to apply for grants. Grants will not be awarded for purely theoretical research, to businesses, or to individuals. There is no upper limit for grants amount, but most awards have previously fallen between US$20,000 and US$100,000 over one to three years.
Click here for the original funding call and further details
Institutions Trade & Economic Development