SARIC: Apply for funding

Call status: Open
Application deadline: 16 September 2015, 4pm

BBSRC, NERC and ESRC invite proposals for both research and research translation projects to the second call of the Sustainable Agriculture Research & Innovation Club. Approximately £5M of funding is available for this call, divided between:

  • research grants (£3.5M)
  • research translation grants (£1.5M)

Guidance about the process for submitting outline research applications and research translation applications are described in the call text (see downloads).


Researchers may apply for two different funding streams which will support research grants and innvovation grants respectively. Both funding streams will operate concurrently:

  • Research proposals which will provide new data and knowledge (research grants – see annex 1 of the call text for specific guidelines)
  • Research translation proposals which will support innovative approaches to translating existing research data and knowledge into new tools, technologies and other outcomes that create tangible economic or societal benefits (innovation grants – see annex 2 of the call text for specific guidelines)
  1. Applications must fit with the first key challenge of SARIC (predictive capabilities for sustainable agriculture), as described in the call text (see downloads)
  2. Applications must fall at the interface or within the remit of BBSRC, NERC and ESRC (see external links)
  3. It is likely that the aims of this Club can best be achieved by an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, we particularly encourage collaborative applications which bring together groups with relevant expertise or experience to move research closer
  4. Research projects are typically 3-4 years in duration, but projects up to 5 years will be considered. Research translation projects will typically be 1-2 years in duration, but projects up to 3 years will be considered


A workshop for both calls will be held on 1 July 2015 at the Mariott Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London. The workshop will be an opportunity for applicants to:

  • understand the SARIC research challenges and assessment process
  • meet other potential applicants and form new collaborations
  • discuss proposals with representatives from the SARIC steering group, the Club’s company members and the Research Councils

Please register here:


Standard RCUK eligibility rules for BBSRC, NERC and ESRC apply to this call.

How to apply

Full guidance can be found in the call text (see downloads). Please note that the research translation call is a single stage process, whereas the research call has two stages.