The 3rd InsTED workshop will take place at Indiana University, May 13th-15th, 2016. Sponsorship by the Center for Applied Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) at Indiana University is gratefully acknowledged.
Keynote speakers:
Kishore Gawande (McCombs School of Business, UT Austin)
Stephen Yeaple (Penn State)
Organizers: Mostafa Beshkar (Indiana), Ben Zissimos (Exeter) and Isleide Zissimos (Vanderbilt)
The workshop will focus on advances at the intersection of institutions, trade and economic development.
PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (last update: May 10th)
Submissions are now closed.
Registration fee: US$ 160.00. The deadline for registration is April 12th 2016. Click here to register
We have a block of rooms reserved at the Grant Street Inn: The rooms are listed under “InsTED Conference”. The deadline for booking is also April 12th 2016.
There are two shuttle services that run to the Indianapolis International Airport. They don’t drop off directly at the hotel but they do drop off at locations within a couple of blocks. The two services are:
There are also limo services to the airport:
You can also rent a car at the airport.