January 9-10, 2017, Manila
Organized by the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ADB Conference on Economic Development (ACED), aims to promote the exchange of new research and ideas among researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners on significant and emerging topics in economic development.
The theme of the next ACED conference will be “Entrepreneurship, Firm Dynamics, and New Technologies”. Confirmed presenters include: Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago); Mark Roberts (Penn State), Christopher Woodruff (University of Warwick), and Daniel Xu (Duke University).
TOPICS: We invite submissions of unpublished papers on the following suggested topics, especially as they relate to economies in Asia. Submissions that examine the empirical or theoretical links between entrepreneurship, the adoption and diffusion of digital technologies, and firm management and performance based on experiences from Asian economies will be of particular interest:
– Effects of new technologies (e.g. digital) on firm organization and performance
– Evaluation of policies (e.g. trade tariffs on computers/hardware, licensing, infrastructure investments) that alter diffusion of technologies and its effects on firms
– Usage of new technologies in firm operations
– Micro-level analysis of technology diffusion (including adoption and spillovers)
– Ownership and innovation protection in the digital age
– Evaluation of policies for promoting entrepreneurship and firm dynamism
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Interested authors should submit a draft paper or a two-page proposal by 15 September 2016 to Mr. Yi Jiang and Ms. Glennie Amoranto (email: yijiang@adb.org; gamoranto@adb.org) with ACED2017_Submission_[your last name]” in the email’s subject line. The proposal should include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation, and contact information, and should address the main question(s) to be examined, relevant literature, unique contribution to the literature, and methodology to be employed.
Proposals will be evaluated in terms of originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance in the Asian context. Authors of accepted proposals will be contacted by October 15, 2016. ADB will cover registration, flight and hotel costs for one presenter of every accepted paper.
Institutions Trade & Economic Development