6 Doctoral Scholarships

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the School of Business and Economics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have set up a joint doctoral programme in labour market research.

  • The course programme promotes theoretical and empirical methods at an advanced level. Additionally, applicants are granted access to the excellent data resources (administrative and survey data) of the IAB on employment and social security. Doctoral students benefit from the professional research environment that enables them to apply their knowledge in academic and applied empirical research.
  • We address outstanding graduates from economics, sociology or other social sciences who hold a master degree or diploma. Applicants are expected to submit a proposal addressing empirical and theoretical research questions in the field of labour market research or the development of the required statistical-econometric methods.

IAB supports scholarship holders with a scholarship of 1,150 euros per month. In accepting the scholarship, the scholarship holder commits him/herself to talking part in the study programme and to limiting secondary, income-generating activities to a maximum of 10 hours per week (i.e. a “quarter job” according to the German civil service).
The scholarship is granted for the period of a year. The maximum period of support is 3 years. Before each period of support comes to an end, an assessment will take place as to whether further support is justified. To this end, each scholarship holder submits an intermediate report each year documenting the extent to which the project has progressed, as well as specifying an updated schedule/further steps to be completed.
Additionally, each scholarship holder receives 1,800 Euros a year for the participation in conferences and training and other dissertation relevant expenditures. For research visits abroad GradAB students can obtain additional financial support. GradAB doctoral students with a child under three years of age are offered a part-time scholarship with a duration of up to five years.
This scholarship is linked to theĀ Graduate Programme (GradAB).
Application Deadline: 14 October 2016.
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Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics
  • Sociology & Anthropology

Application Requirements:

  • Personal data/curriculum vitae
  • Personal Statement
  • Inmatriculation certificates
  • Transcript of records
  • Outline of the project