Conference: Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies

Dear colleagues,
We invite submissions of one-page proposals for papers to be presented at our workshop “Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies,” at Heidelberg University in Germany (September 22-23, 2017). Funding is available for 12 participants.
We will  grant pre-launch access to new datasets on georeferenced aid-like activities by China and India to selected researchers.
The submission deadline for the one-page proposals is May 1, 2017. Decisions will be send out on May 4.
Keynote speakers: David Dollar (Brookings Institution), Helen Milner (Princeton University), and Nancy Qian (Northwestern University)
Academic research on international aid and investment has largely focused on OECD countries as primary providers of such financing. In recent years, however, aid-like financial flows and foreign direct investments originating from developing and emerging economies, such as China and India, have become sizable. Proposals may either answer novel questions in economics, political science or other social sciences, or propose methodological advances related to the challenge of tracking developing and emerging countries’ aid and investments. Potential research questions include, but are not limited to:

  • What are the factors influencing emerging donors’ aid and investment flows?
  • What are their economic, political, social and environmental effects?
  • What are the methodological shortcomings of existing datasets and how can these be addressed?
  • Are the datasets made available by AidData and/or Heidelberg University reliable? How does the reliability of these data compare to alternative methods to estimate aid or investment flows from emerging economies?

More information can be found on our website: