The University of Naples Parthenope announces a selection procedure for 2 Research fellowship Positions on the topic: “Institutional and Economic Imbalances in the Eurozone and the European Union” for the scientific sector SECS-P/02 (Economic policy) to be funded by means of University group research funds assigned on a reward basis, scientific coordinator: Prof. Marcella D’Uva, Department of Business and Economic Studies.
The fellow will have the task to investigate the role of policies and institutions in the adjustment, stabilization and support of economic growth processes. The objective is to analyze the nature of the paths of divergence between economies and to design the best policies to face economic and institutional imbalances with particular emphasis to the European Union. The study should provide policy recommendations to enhance competition and growth.
Duration, Renewal and Amount
Each research fellowship will last 12 months. Each fellow will receive 12 months’ research funding; the gross total payment is Euros 19.367 (Nineteenthousandthreehundredsixtyseven). This amount is considered to be net of the charges to be borne by the lending administration. The amount of the research funding will be paid in monthly installments deferred with the prior authorization of the scientific coordinator.
The fellowship is not compatible with any other grant, except for those awarded by national or foreign institutions, with the objective of supporting the fellows’ research activity for a short period of study abroad. The research fellowship is also incompatible with the attendance to a Master’s degree or a PhD, in Italy or abroad, and requires a period of leave from the official occupation for the entire duration of the fellowship and involves the placement on leave without allowances for the employee working in public administrations other than: universities, institutions and public research and experimentation bodies, Italian National Agency ASI, as well as institutions whose diploma of scientific improvement has been recognized as equivalent to the title of PhD pursuant to art.
Eligibility Criteria
The selection process is open to researchers having a professional scientific curriculum suitable for carrying out research activities under this announcement, as well as holding the following requirements:
- Ph.D in Economics and/or Statistics; candidates that have finished their PhD thesis and will complete their PhD programme (viva) within the first six months from the start date of the fellowship may also apply for the selection. The qualifications obtained abroad must be recognised as valid in the Italian territory under the art. 332 of the T.U. no. 1592/1933. It is a preferential title to have deepened the research topics described in art.1.
Preferred requirement are
- a research track suitable to comply to the tasks and objectives described in art.1. and
- a very good knowledge of the English language.
Other preferred requirements are:
- experience in drafting high quality scientific articles.
- consolidated experience in the use of statistical software (Stata, E-views, Matlab etc.)
Requirements for admission to the selection
Deadline for Application: March 5th 2018 by the 12.00 (noon)
The application form (see annex A for a template) accompanied by the required documentation, should be addressed to the Head of the Department of Business and Economic Studies of University of Naples “Parthenope”, via Generale Parisi n. 13 – 80132 Naples (Italy) and can be hand-delivered from Monday to Friday, 9.00-12.00 am by mail to the above address or for the foreign applicants by e-mail to the following address:
Only for applicants with certified email address (PEC) the application form can be sent by certified electronic mail (PEC), sending the application and its annexes together with the identity document in pdf format, at PEC e-mail address:
The envelop or the e-mail must indicate the call reference (DISAE/2018-1/AR), otherwise the candidate will be excluded by the competition, and must be received by the 12.00 (noon) of the deadline of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. The Department is not responsible for any loss or late delivery of the application due to third parties.
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