ELSNIT Annual Conference

The Euro-Latin Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT) is now accepting submissions of papers examining the relationships between technology and trade along the economic, institutional, political science, and legal dimensions. In particular, submitted papers should address questions such as–but not limited to–the following:

  • Emerging Technologies and Evolving Cross-Border Business Models. More
  • Emerging Technologies and International Trade. More
  • Emerging Technologies, New Trade Barriers, and New Policy Challenges. More

Both theoretical and empirical contributions will be considered, but in all cases, priority will be given to papers identifying and shedding light on relevant policy questions such as those outlined above, including case studies of policies followed by national or international organizations, in particular. Furthermore, submission of papers that, in doing this, explicitly contrast successful and failed cases, comparing countries within a certain a geographical area, is strongly encouraged. Important lessons are expected to be drawn from these contributions for Latin American and Caribbean countries.
The selected papers will be presented along invited contributions at the XVI Annual ELSNIT Conference that will be hosted by Universität St. Gallen in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on October 25-26, 2018.
A recognized expert in the field will comment upon each paper. All the papers and discussions will be circulated as working documents of the network. The authors are free to submit the papers to academic journals, stating that they were presented at the XVI Annual ELSNIT Conference.
Procedures for Submission of Papers
All researchers who are associated with a European or Latin American/Caribbean based academic or research institution are eligible to submit papers. While detailed abstracts will be accepted, there is a strong preference for nearly completed papers. Submission should be accompanied by a statement declaring the institutional affiliation of the authors. The papers should be written in English.
To register for the conference and submit a paper, please fill out this FORM and follow the instructions therein.

  • The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2018
  • The final selection of papers will be made by June 10, 2018 by the network coordinators. More
  • The final versions of the papers must be delivered by September 20, 2018.

The selected authors’ and invited discussants’ travel expenditures (economy class) and per diems to participate at the conference will be reimbursed by the IDB. Detailed guidelines explaining the logistics of the conference will be provided at a later stage. Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and other potentially interested parties.