The purpose of this page is to disseminate the latest research on issues relevant to the InsTED network. If you are a member of InsTED and would like to have a recent working paper posted, please send it to If you are not a member of InsTED and would like to be considered, please send an e-mail to the same address.
Kouevi-Gath, Beni, Pierre-Guillaume Méon and Laurent Weill, 2019. “Do Banking Crises Improve Democracy?”
Abel François and Pierre-Guillaume Méon (2018) “Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt”
Cavatorta, Elisa and Ben Groom (2018) “Do Counter-Insurgency Policies Change The Way People Make Decisions? Evidence From A Natural Experiment”
Beverelli, Cosimo, Alexander Keck, Mario Larch and Yoto V. Yotov (2018) “Institutions, Trade and Development: A Quantitative Analysis”
Marco Giani & Pierre-Guillaume Méon (2017) “Global Racist Contagion following Donald Trump’s Election”
Ahsan, Reshad and Kazi Iqbal (2017) “How Does Violence Affect Exporters? Evidence from Political Strikes in Bangladesh“
Amirapu, Amrit (2017) “Justice Delayed is Growth Denied: The Effect of Slow Courts on Relationship-Specific Industries in India “
Andersen, Thomas B. and Peter S. Jensen (2017) “Preaching Democracy”
Baier, Scott L., Amanda Kerr and Yoto V. Yotov (2017) “Gravity, Distance, and International Trade“
Baier, Scott L., Jeffrey H. Bergstrand and Matthew W. Clance (2017) “Heterogeneous Economic Integration Agreements’ Effects, Gravity and Welfare”
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu, Arnab K.Basu, Nancy H.Chau and Devashish Mitra (2017) “Offshoring in Developing Countries: Labor Market Outcomes, Welfare, and Policy”
Berkowitz, Daniel, Hong Ma and Shuichiro Nishioka (2017) “Does Capital-Labor Substitution or Do Institutions Explain Declining Labor Shares?“
Beshkar, Mostafa and Ahmad Lashkaripour (2017) “Interdependence of Trade Policies in General Equilibrium“
Dixit, Avinash (2017) “Fighting Corruption By Altering Equilibrium In An Assurance Game”
Doremus, Jacqueline (2017) “Unintended Impacts: How roads change health and nutrition for ethnic minorities in Congo“
Fergusson, Leopoldo, Carlos Molina and Juan Feipe Riano (2017) “I sell my vote, and so what? A new database and evidence from Colombia“
Molana, Hassan, Catia Montagna and George E. Onwordi (2017) “Reforming the Liberal Welfare State: International Shocks, Unemployment and Household Income Shares“
Stroup, Caleb and Ben Zissimos (2017) “Pampered Bureaucracy, Political Stability, and Trade Integration“
Zissimos, Ben (2017) “A Theory of Trade Policy under Dictatorship and Democratization“
Alston, Lee, Marcus A. Melo, Bernardo Mueller and Carlos Pereira (2016) “A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Critical Transitions“
Bai, Xue, Kala Krishna and Hong Ma (2016) “How You Export Matters: Export Mode, Learning and Productivity in China“
Bernhofen, Daniel M., Zouheir El-Sahli and Richard Kneller (2016) “The Impact of Technological Change on New Trade: Evidence from the Container Revolution“
Bernard, Andrew B. and Swati Dhingra (2016) “Importers, Exporters and the Division of the Gains from Trade“
Brown, James R., J.Anthony Cookson and Rawley Heimer (2016) ” Growing Up Without Finance “
Callen, Michael, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain and Yasir Khan (2016) ” The Political Economy of Public Sector Absence: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan “
Carballo, Jerónimo, Alejandro Graziano, Georg Schaur, and Christian Volpe Martincus (2016) “The Border Labyrinth: Information Technologies and Trade in the Presence of Multiple Agencies“
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Marie-Helene Hubert and Beyza Ural Marchand (2016) “The Effect of the US Biofuels Mandate on Poverty in India“
Chau, Nancy H., Yu Qin and Weiwen Zhang (2016) “Leader Networks and Transaction Costs: A Chinese Experiment in Interjurisdictional Contracting“
Cole, Matthew T., Ronald B. Davies and Todd Kaplan (2016) “Protection in Government Procurement Auctions“
Dasgupta, Aditya, Kishore Gawande and Devesh Kapur (2016) “(When) Do Anti-Poverty Programs Reduce Violence? India’s Rural Employment Guarantee and Maoist Conflict“
DeRemer, David R. (2016) “The Principle of Reciprocity in the 21st Century”
Dix-Carneiro, Rafael and Brian K. Kovak (2016) “Trade Liberalization and Regional Dynamics“
Dix-Carneiro, Rafael, Rodrigo R. Soares and Gabriel Ulyssea (2016) “Local Labor Market Conditions and Crime: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization.”
Ellis, Christopher, Jon C. Thompson and Jiabin Wu (2016) “Complementarities, Coordination, and Culture“
Fan, Haichao, Yao Amber Li and Stephen R. Yeaple (2016) “On the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from China’s Accession to the WTO“
Guardado, Jenny (2016) “Office-Selling, Corruption, and Long-Term Development in Peru“
Krishna, Kala and Lena Sheveleva (2016) “Wheat or Strawberries? Intermediated Trade with Limited Contracting.”
Lake, James and Maia K. Linask (2016) “Could tariffs be pro-cyclical?“
Méon, Pierre-Guillaume and Khalid Sekkatb (2016) “A time to throw stones, a time to reap: How long does it take for democratic transitions to improve institutional outcomes?“
Méon, Pierre-Guillaume and Ilan Tojerow (2016) “In God We Learn? Religions’ Universal Messages, Context-Specific Effects, and Minority Status“
Monarch, Ryan and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2016) “Learning and the Value of Relationships in International Trade.“
Roy, Jayjit (2016) “Employment Protection Legislation and International Trade“
Zissimos, Ben and Jan Wouters (2016) ” US – Shrimp II (Vietnam): Dubious Application of Anti-Dumping Duties; Should Have Used Safeguards“
Ahlin, Christian and Hyeok Jeong (2015) “The Conditional Gini: Estimation and Application to the Relationship between Wealth, Financial Use, and Income Inequality”
Alfaro, Laura, Pol Antras, Davin Chor and Paola Conconi (2015) “Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis“
Bartelme, Dominick and Yuriy Gorodnichenko (2015) “Linkages and Economic Development”
Besedes, Tibor, Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch (2015) ” You’re Banned! The Effect of Sanctions on Cross-Border Financial Flows “
Boehm, Johannes (2015) “The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs on Outsourcing and Aggregate Productivity”
Bove, Vincenzo, Jean-Philippe Platteau and Petros G. Sekeris (2015) “Political repression in autocratic regimes”
Brown, James R., J.Anthony Cookson and Rawley Heimer (2015) “Law and Finance Matter: Lessons from Externally Imposed Courts“
Buzard, Kristy (2015) “Endogenous Politics and the Design of Trade Institutions“
Carter, Michael R. and John Morrow (2015) “The Political Economy of Inclusive Rural Growth“
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Marie-Helene Hubert and Beyza Ural Marchand (2015) “The effect of the US biofuels mandate on poverty in India“
Cunha, Alexandre and Emanuel Ornelas (2015) “The Limits of Political Compromise: Debt Ceilings and Political Competition.”
Dhillon, Amrita, Vegard Iversen and Gaute Torsvik (2015) “Employee referral, social proximity and worker discipline: Theory and Evidence from India“
Dreher, Axel, Andreas Fuchs, Roland Hodler, Bradley C. Parks, Paul A. Raschky and Michael J. Tierney (2015) “Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China’s Foreign Assistance”
Eberhardt, Markus, Zheng Wang and Zhihong Yu (2015) “From One to Many Central Plans: Drug Advertising Inspections and Intra-National Protectionism in China“
Glaeser, Edward L., Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto and Yimei Zou (2015) “Urban Networks: Spreading the Flow of Goods, People, and Ideas”
Idzalika, Rajius, Thomas Kneibe and Immaculada Martinez-Zarzoso (2015) “The Effect of Income on Democracy Revisited: A Flexible Distributional Approach”
Krishna, Kala, Sergey Lychagin and Veronica Frisancho Robles (2015) “Retaking in High Stakes Exams: Is Less More?”
Lake, James (2015) “Why don’t more countries form Customs Unions instead of Free Trade Agreements? The role of flexibility”
Lake, James and Maia Linask (2015) “Domestic political competition and pro-cyclical import protection”
Lake, James and Santanu Roy (2015) “Are global trade negotiations behind a fragmented world of “gated globalization”?“
Lashkaripour, Ahmad (2015) “Beyond Gravity: the Composition of Multilateral Trade Flows”
Leahy, Dermot and Catia Montagna (2015) “Economising, Strategising and the Vertical Boundaries of the Firm”
Leibovici, Fernando (2015) “Financial Development and International Trade”
Lopes da Fonseca, M. and T. Baskaran (2015) “Re-evaluating the economic costs of conflicts”
Lugovskyy, Volodymyr and Alexandre Skiba (2015) “Positive and Negative Effects of Distance on Export Prices”
Magda, Iga , David Marsden and Simone Moriconi (2015) “Lower coverage but stronger unions? Institutional changes and union wage premia in central Europe“
Molana, Hassan and Catia Montagna (2015) “Selection, Trade, and Employment: the Strategic Use of Subsidies”
Nicita, Alessandro, Marcelo Olarreaga and Peri Silva (2015) “Cooperation in WTO’s Tariff Waters“
Rotunno, Lorenzo and Adrian Wood (2015) “Wages and endowments in a globalised world”
Temple, Jonathan and Nicolas Van de Sijpe (2015) “Foreign Aid and Domestic Absorption“
Von Ehrlich, Maximilian and Tobias Seidel (2015) “The Persistent Effects of Place-Based Policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebiet“
Zissimos, Ben (2015) “World Price Shocks, Income, and Democratization“
Anesi, Vincent and Giovanni Facchini (2014) “Coercive Trade Policy“
Baland, Jean-Marie, Rohini Somanathan and Zaki Wahhaj (2014) “Group Lending and Endogenous Social Sanctions“
Basu, Kaushik and Avinash Dixit (2014) “Too Small to Regulate“
Besedes, Tibor (2014) “The Effects of European Integration on the Stability of International Trade: A Duration Perspective“
Buzard, Kristy (2014) “Self-enforcing Trade Agreements, Dispute Settlement and Separation of Powers“
Cookson, J. Anthony (2014) “Economic Consequences of Judicial Institutions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment“
Giordani, Paolo, Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta (2014) “Food Prices and the Multiplier Effect of Trade Policy ”
Hadjiyiannis, Costas, Maria S. Heracleous and Chrysostomos Tabakis (2014) “Regionalism and Conflict: Peace Creation and Peace Diversion“
Handley, Kyle and Nuno Limao (2014) “Policy Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China and the U.S.”
Johannsen, Florian and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso (2014) “Political Determinants of the Extensive and Intensive Margins of International Arms Transfers”
Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D. and Kai Rehwald (2014) “Is aid for trade effective? A Quantile Regression Approach“
Parsons, Christopher and Pierre-Louis Vezina (2014) “Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment“
Peng, Shin-Kun, Raymond Riezman and Ping Wang (2014) “Intermediate Goods Trade, Technology Choice and Productivity”
Dhillon, Amrita, Vegard Iversen and Gaute Torsvik (2013) “Employee referral, social proximity and worker discipline: Theory and Evidence from India“