The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) and the LACEA Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) are pleased to announce a call for papers for the RIDGE Workshop on “Poverty and Inequality”, to be held on 22-23 May in Medellin, Colombia.
Paper submission
Full papers, written in English, must be submitted for consideration for the workshop. The cover page should include: the title of the paper, institutional affiliation, including address, phone and email of each author and an abstract with the appropriate JEL classification. Each author can submit and present at most one paper per workshop (submission of papers to other workshops is possible).
Full papers, in PDF format, should be submitted via the website:
Important dates:
Deadline for paper submission: March 15, 2019 (12 AM ET)
Notification of organizers decision: April 1, 2019
Should you have any questions please contact:
For more information about RIDGE see:
For more information about RIDGE see: